A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S. Association Internationale des Utilisateurs de Fils de Filaments Artificiels et Synthétiques et de Soie naturelle

AIUFFASS General Assembly

Tuesday 27th June 2023
63 AIUFFASS members and guests attended on 27 June 2023 the General Assembly focussed on the EU strategy for sustainable textiles.

Bruxelles is heavily engaged in drawing the regulations which will make the “EU strategy” concrete in the forthcoming years. It is a huge work, for Euratex and European associations, to take care of these developments and it will be a “tsunami” for SMEs of the European textile pipeline. It is fundamental to look ahead and try to understand the concrete effects of EU textile policy for our companies, in order to make the necessary steps. The future is complex but new important opportunities may open up. 

President Franco Ghiringhelli welcomed the Director of Sustainable Businesses of Euratex, Mauro Scalia who 
confirmes that the EU Commission is going to disclose 16 different pieces of legislation on sustainability, which will have a substantial impact on T&A (textile and apparel) European ecosystem. 

Ecodesign will set minimum criteria for T&A products sold in the European market. Each product will be foreseen to respect the parameters, both made in EU and extra EU. This means to reinforce market surveillance activities, of course, and to grant level playing field in Europe. Durability, quality, recyclability, recycled contents are the main aspects which are going to be focused. 

Digital Product Passport will promote traceability and transparency. An important set of information will be required, targeting the textile chain, the public administration and final consumers. Environmental aspects of the product will be disclosed and (hopefully mandatory) information will be given on the origin of spinning, weaving, finishing and making up. Timeline of DPP is the same of Ecodesign, that is next year. 

Green claims negotiations will make Greenwashing more and more difficult in Europe. Green claims will be admitted only on the basis of serious measurements of the environmental impact. Environmental certifications will be controlled and authorized by public administration. Product Environment Footprint will be the official method and companies will be required to collect primary data, from their own production activities, or secondary data, as industry averages.
Extended producer responsibility legislation is being adopted around Europe and European Commission is going to provide common guidelines to member states. The purpose is to promote the collection of textile waste, their reuse or recycling. It is a new marketing approach which deserves to be promoted and financed even by public administrations. 

It was also an occasion to promote also “rehubs initiative”, with the aim of building a recycling capacity in Europe. It is a huge effort and its goal is to recycle 2,5 million tons of textile waste by 2030.