AIUFFASS represents the European Synthetic & Artificial Filament industry as well as the Silk Industry and pays special attention to the specific needs and interests of Small and Medium-Sized companies.
Without A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S our voice would be too feeble to be heard.
Without A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S. nobody would try to defend our sector.
Without A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S our voice would be too feeble to be heard.
Without A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S. nobody would try to defend our sector.
- Fair trade and fair competition
- Removal of barriers to market access
- Less bureaucracy and clear rules
- Top quality at each stage of the pipeline
AIUFFASS key objectives
- Ensure access to raw materials taking into account industry requirements on quality, availability and prices
- Fight non-tariff barriers
- Promote future Free Trade Agreements with emerging markets and developed markets
- Ensure that European negotiators are aware of AIUFFASS members' specific interests
- Push for a rapid conclusion to the rules of origin update to fully benefit from the Free Trade Agreements concluded by the EU with third countries
- Convince the competent authorities to lobby for a rapid reform in the PANEUROMED area
- Ensure that specific proposals put forward during the negociation do not jeopardize our industry (e.g. "printing on the selvedge", added value criteria, removal of tolerance rules allowing free sourcing of linings worldwide, etc.)
- Monitor compliance with world trade rules and take actions against infringements particularly on dumping and subsides
- Promote compulsory “Made in” labelling and traceability to guarantee products quality and protection of the consumer
- Standardization: The silk section of AIUFFASS is particularly committed to improving international standards linked to raw silk quality, including ISO (ISO TC38 SC23 WG5) and CEN Standards
Ongoing joint projects
- "Towards European Sericulture"