A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S. Association Internationale des Utilisateurs de Fils de Filaments Artificiels et Synthétiques et de Soie naturelle

65th A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S. Congress - VILNIUS

Friday 15th May 2020

COVID 19 is deeply affecting all of us, all around Europe. As an evidence, this is not the right moment to go and visit our friends of LININGAS, which have arranged everything for us in Vilnius. We are forced to postpone our 65th A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S. Congress , which will not take place next 14-15-16 may, as foreseen.

The next Annual Congress of A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S. will be co-organised with UAB “LININGAS”, in Lithuania.
The General Assembly and sections meetings will be held at the Artis Centrum Hotels, in the very heart of Vilnius’ old town. 
A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S. members will be also invited to visit Liningas and Korelita companies, specialized in the production of acetate and cellulosic items, located in Kaunas.
A complementary excursion (optional) in Vilnius Old town on Saturday morning (duration : 3 hours, in the morning) is offered to participants.

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