Who we are
What does AIUFFASS stand for?
1954: Foundation of AIUFFAS in Geneva as Association of Users of Synthetic and Artificial Filament Yarns.1987: AIUFAS becomes AIUFFASS: a second “S” is added as the silk industry joins the association.
AIUFFASS is the representative body for the European Synthetic & the Artificial Filament industry as well as the Silk Industry.
The association represents, promotes and serves the interests of the European industrial users of those raw materials.

WE REPRESENT the Silk industry
- Silk is the queen of fibres and the European silk industry benefits from a prestigious image in the world.
- Ambassadors of values such as design, culture, innovation, know-how and excellence, European silk manufacturers play a leadership role in fashion for all the textile industry.
WE REPRESENT the man-made filament Industry
- The European textile industry uses synthetic and artificial fibres for up to 60% of whole textile fibres.
- The properties of Man Made Filament yarns (tenacity, flexibility, comfort, elastic character, resistance to corrosive chemicals, flammability, etc.) allows European manufacturers to innovate and create for a range of en-uses: Apparel, Household and Technical.
What we do
AIUFFASS aims to provide its members with specific services.
Representation of the sector at EU & International level
Acting as a key and strategic body, AIUFFASS serves it members common interests by:
- Being a communication and information platform to discuss on issues of common concern.
- Establishing contacts in close collaboration with EURATEX with the EU and International authorities.
- Lobbying to solve the practical problems of strategic importance that arise in the European silk and filament sectors.
- Communicating industry views on policy issues particularly international trade, industry, sustainability, quality, research and innovation
- Promoting the use of the man-made filament yarn and natural silk.
- Networking: establishing contacts, exchanging ideas and information between members, encouraging joint projects.
- Providing information generally related to commercial policy, industry, foreign trade and statistics reports.
Whitout A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S our voice would ne too feeble to be heard.
Without A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S nobody would try to defend our sector.
Read more about our values and key objectives
Without A.I.U.F.F.A.S.S nobody would try to defend our sector.
Read more about our values and key objectives
Our organisation
AIUFFASS comprises 2 sections:
President of the Silk Section of AIUFFASS (SSA) : Xavier Lepingle
Director General : Guido Tettamanti
General Secretary : Anne-Cécile Caschera
- The Man-Made Filament section
- The Silk section of AIUFFASS (SSA).
A very lean structure in direct contact with its Members
President of the AIUFFASS and President of the Man Made Filament Section (MMF) : Franco GhiringhelliPresident of the Silk Section of AIUFFASS (SSA) : Xavier Lepingle
Director General : Guido Tettamanti
General Secretary : Anne-Cécile Caschera

Our partners
AIUFFASS is a full member of EURATEX
EURATEX is the single body for the whole textile and clothing sector in Europe able to have a stronger and coordinated voice towards the European and International institutions.
AIUFFASS cooperates together with EURATEX to reinforce the industry’s lobby with EU policymakers.
EURATEX is the single body for the whole textile and clothing sector in Europe able to have a stronger and coordinated voice towards the European and International institutions.
AIUFFASS cooperates together with EURATEX to reinforce the industry’s lobby with EU policymakers.
CIRFS, is the European Man-Made Fibres Association
Within its annual Congress, AIUFFASS organizes a joint meeting with CIRFS, which gathers the European suppliers of AIUFFASS man-made filament section members. The joint lobbying in tandem on specific common interest allows a long-felt added value for the members of both associations.
Within its annual Congress, AIUFFASS organizes a joint meeting with CIRFS, which gathers the European suppliers of AIUFFASS man-made filament section members. The joint lobbying in tandem on specific common interest allows a long-felt added value for the members of both associations.
Centro Tessile Serico
Intersoie France
PCI Fibres
PCI Fibres is the specialist consultancy to the fibres and related markets. A specialist from PCI Fibre usually attends the AIUFFASS Congress and speaks on the floor.
PCI Fibres is the specialist consultancy to the fibres and related markets. A specialist from PCI Fibre usually attends the AIUFFASS Congress and speaks on the floor.
Stazione Sperimentale per la Seta